Bible Encyclopedias
Corbold, Alfred

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

an English missionary to India, was born at Ipswich, May 7, 1821. Having studied at Bedford, and subsequently at Colton End, he was accepted by the London Missionary Society and appointed to the Guzerat Mission. He was ordained August 7, 1850, at Bunyan Meeting, Bedford; sailed in company with his wife for India, and arrived at his destination in January. From the beginning of 1856 the entire charge of the mission rested on Mr. Corbold. Early in 1860 the mission was transferred to the Irish Presbyterian Missionary Society; and he and his wife, having suffered in health, returned to England. Having been appointed to join the Madras Mission, he again sailed with Mrs. Corbold, arriving in Madras January 31, 1862. There he took charge of the Tamil congregation, at Pursewakum, and three out-stations; while his wife took the superintendence of the native female boardingschool, and three vernacular day-schools for girls. But health again failing them, they returned to England in 1870. Three years later they resumed their labors in Madras. In 1875, illness rendering it necessary for Mr. Corbold to visit England, he returned home with his wife. It soon became evident that the faithful missionary's career was at an end. He died September 28, 1877. See (Lond.) Evangelical Magazine, November 1877, page 688.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Corbold, Alfred'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​c/corbold-alfred.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.