Bible Encyclopedias
Andrews, John (2)

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

Andrews, John (2),

D.D., a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church, was born in Cecil County, Md., about six miles from the head of Elk River, April 4,1746. His preparatory studies were acquired at the Elk School, and he graduated from the College of Philadelphia in 1765. Before completing his course, he had become a tutor in the grammar-school, where he taught one year, and then assumed charge of a classical school at Lancaster. While there he studied theology under the Rev. Thomas Barton. He was ordained deacon Feb. 2, 1767, in London, England, and on Feb. 15 was admitted to priest's orders. Before leaving England he was appointed missionary to Lewes, Del, by the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts. For three years he discharged the duties of his position, when he became missionary to York and Carlisle, Pa., fixing his residence at York. Soon after the governor of Maryland appointed him rector of St. Johns Parish, Queen Anne's Co. His want of sympathy with the war of the Revolution rendered his situation uncomfortable, and led to his return to York, where he opened a classical school. After some years, he returned to Maryland, and on April 13, 1782, became rector of St. Thomas's Parish, in Baltimore Co., devoting half of his time to this parish and the other half to St. James's, adjoining it. He still continued to teach school. In 1784 he was influential with others in organizing the Protestant Episcopal Church of Maryland, independent of all foreign jurisdiction. In 1785 he was placed at the head of the newly established Academy of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Philadelphia. From November, 1786, to the following April he supplied the pulpits of the united churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's in Philadelphia during the absence, in England, of the Rev. Dr. White. In 1789 Dr. Andrews was made professor in the College and Academy of Philadelphia; and in 1791, when that institution and the University of the State of Pennsylvania were united under the corporate title of the University of Pennsylvania, he was elected its vice-provost. After filling this position for more than twenty years, he was elected, in December, 1810, to the office of provost, which he resigned, Feb. 2, 1813, on account of failing health. He died in Philadelphia, March 29, 1813. He published, Elements of Logic (1800): Elements of Rhetoric and Belles-lettres (1813): and several Sermons. See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, v, 246.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Andrews, John (2)'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​a/andrews-john-2.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.