Bible Encyclopedias

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

in organic chemistry, a series of cyclic compounds containing a ring system of four carbon atoms, one nitrogen and one sulphur atom. These may be grouped in three ways, giving the following skeletal structures: - (L) C C N (IL) C N C (IIL) CN'C Members of the first series have not as yet been isolated. Derivatives of the second type have been obtained by A. Luchmann (Ber. 1896, 29, p. 1429) by condensing 'y-chlorbutylamine with carbon bisulphide or with mustard oils in the presence of caustic alkali; by M. Kahan (ibid., 1897, 30, p. 1321) on condensing bromhexylamine hydrobromide with thiobenzamide: CH2' CH(CH3)Br, CH2' CH(CH3) S (CH3)2c'NH2 HN:C' C6H6 - (CH3)2C N C' C6H6 Benzothiazines are obtained from ortho-aminobenzyl halides and thio-amides: / CH2Br CH2 S C6H4< +H2N'CSCH3 - C6H4" H2 ? N=C' CHs.

The most important thiazines are those derived from class III., N thiodiphenylamine, c6H4C s >c6H4, being the parent substance of the methylene blue series of dyestuffs. Thiodiphenylamine miaire (5th October 1795) he opposed those Thermidorians who wished to postpone the dissolution of the Convention. At the elections for the Corps Legislatif he was elected by no less than thirty-two departments. It was only by the intervention of Boulay de la Meurthe that he escaped transportation after the coup d'etat of 18 Fructidor (4th September 1797), and he then returned to the practice of his profession. The establishment of the consulate brought him back to public life. He was made prefect of the Gironde, and then member of the council of state, in which capacity he worked on the civil code. He at this time had Napoleon's confidence, and gave him wholehearted support. He did not entirely conceal his disapproval of the foundation of the Legion of S Honour, of the Concordat and of the Consulate for life, and his appointment as prefect of the Bouches du Rhone, with consequent banishment from Paris, was a semi-disgrace.

A peer of the Hundred Days, he fled at the second Restoration to Lausanne. During his exile he lived in Vienna, Prague, Augsburg and Brussels, occupying himself with his Memoires sur la Convention et le Directoire (Paris, vols., 1824); Memoires sur le Consulat: par un ancien conseiller d'etat (Paris, 1827); Histoire generale de Napoleon Bonaparte (6 vols., Paris and Stuttgart, 1827-28, vol. iii. not printed); Le Consulat et l'Ernpire vol. i. of which is identical with vol. vi. of the Histoire de Napoleon (10 vols., 1834). The revolution of 1830 permitted his return to France, and he lived to become a member of the Imperial Senate under the third empire. He died in Paris on the 8th of March 1854 in his eighty-ninth year.

The special value of Thibaudeau's works arises from the fact that he wrote only of those events of which he had personal knowledge, and that he quotes with great accuracy Napoleon's actual words. His Memoires sur le Consulat has been translated into English, with introduction and necessary notes, by G. K. Fortescue with the title of Bonaparte and the Consulate (1908). Among the papers left by Thibaudeau were documents entitled Ma Biographic and Memoires avant ma nomination d la Convention. These were published in a small volume (Paris and Niort, 1875) which includes a list of his works and of the narrative of his life.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Thiazines'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​t/thiazines.html. 1910.