Bible Encyclopedias
Stephen II

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

II., pope from March 752 to April 757, was in deacon's orders when chosen to the vacant see within twelve days after the death of Zacharias.' The main difficulty of his pontificate was in connexion with the aggressive attitude of Aistulf, king of the Lombards. After unsuccessful embassies to Aistulf himself and appeals to the emperor Constantine, he, though in feeble health, set out to seek the aid of Pippin, by whom he was received in the neighbourhood of Vitry le Brule in the beginning of 754. He spent the winter at St Denis. The result of his negotiations was the Frankish invasion of Aistulf's territory and the famous "donation" of Pippin. The death of Stephen took place not long after that of Aistulf. He was succeeded by Paul I.

1 A priest named Stephen, elected before him, died three days after, without having received the episcopal consecration.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Stephen II'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/stephen-ii.html. 1910.