Bible Encyclopedias
Sir George Thomas Smart

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

SIR GEORGE THOMAS SMART (1776-1867), English musician, was born in London, his father being a music-seller. He was a choir-boy at the Chapel Royal, and was educated in music, becoming an expert violinist, organist, teacher of singing and conductor; and in 1811 he was knighted by the lordlieutenant of Ireland, having conducted a number of successful concerts in Dublin. Sir George Smart was, from that time onwards, one of the chief musical leaders and organizers in England, conducting at the Philharmonic, Covent Garden, the provincial festivals, &c., and in 1838 being appointed composer to the Chapel Royal. He was a master of the Handelian traditions, was personally acquainted with Beethoven and a close friend of Weber, who died in his house. His church music and glees include some well-known compositions. He died in London on the 23rd. of February 1867. His brother Henry (1778-1823), father of the composer Henry Smart, was also a prominent musician in his day.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Sir George Thomas Smart'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/sir-george-thomas-smart.html. 1910.