Bible Encyclopedias
Sir Dinshaw Maneckji, Bart Petit

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

Bart. (1823-1901), Parsee philanthropist, was born on the 30th of June 1823. As broker to European firms he amassed a large fortune during the period of speculation in Bombay at the time of the American Civil War. In 1886 he became a member of the governorgeneral's legislative council. He devoted his wealth to philanthropic objects, among the public and private charities which he endowed being the Towers of Silence and fire temples of the Parsees, a hospital for animals, a college for women, and the Petit hospital. He was knighted in 1887, created a baronet in 1890, and died in February 1901.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Sir Dinshaw Maneckji, Bart Petit'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​s/sir-dinshaw-maneckji-bart-petit.html. 1910.