Bible Encyclopedias
Richard James Morrison

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

RICHARD JAMES MORRISON (1795-1874), English astrologer, commonly known by his pseudonym "Zadkiel," was born on the 15th of June 1795. He served in the Royal Navy, but resigned with the rank of lieutenant in 1829. He then devoted himself to the study of astrology, and in 1831. issued The Herald of Astrology, subsequently known as Zadkiel's Almanac. In this annual pamphlet Morrison, over the signature "Zadkiel Tao-Sze," published predictions of the chief events of the coming year. In 1863 Morrison brought a libel action against Admiral Sir Edward Belcher, who had accused him of obtaining money by charlatanism in the form of crystal-gazing. He was awarded twenty shillings damages, but was deprived of his costs. Morrison died on the 5th of April 1874.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Richard James Morrison'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​r/richard-james-morrison.html. 1910.