Bible Encyclopedias
Pippin II

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

II. (d. 714), incorrectly called Pippin of Herstal, was son of Adalgiselus (son of Arnulf, bishop of Metz) by a daughter of Pippin I., called in later documents Begga. Towards 678 he placed himself at the head of the great nobles in Austrasia to combat Ebroln, the mayor of the palace, and Neustria. After some reverses he gained a great victory after EbroIn's death at the battle of Tertry, not far from St Quentin. This victory made Pippin almost entire master of Gaul. He appointed one of his sons mayor of the palace of Neustria, reserving for another of his sons the mayoralty of Austrasia. He made war CH, on the Frisians and defeated their duke Radbod; and part of this people became converts to Christianity. He also defeated Willari, the duke of the Alamanni, and subdued his country. The Bavarians, too, recognized the Frankish suzerainty. The plans he had formed for reforming the church and convoking councils were interrupted by his death, which took place on the 16th of December 714.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Pippin II'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​p/pippin-ii.html. 1910.