Bible Encyclopedias

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

or LEWIS (from the Frankish Chlodowiuh, Chlodwig, Latinized as Chlodowius, Lodhuwicus, Lodhuvicus, whence - in the Strassburg oath of 842-0. Fr. Lodhuwigs, then Chlovis, Loys and later Louis, whence Span. Luiz and - through the Angevin kings - Hungarian Lcijos; cf. Ger. Ludwig or Ludewig, from 0. H. Ger. Hluduwic, Hludwig, Ludhuwig, M. H. Ger. Ludewic; Ital. Lodovico), a masculine proper name, meaning "Fame-fight" or "Famous in fight," from old Frankish chlod, chlod (0. H. Ger. hlud, hlod), " fame," and with (0. H. Ger. wic., wig, A.S. wig) " war," "battle" (cf. Gr. KXvTOµaXos). The name has been borne by numerous European sovereigns and others, of whom some are noticed below in the following order: (1) Roman emperors and Frankish and German kings, (2) kings of Bavaria, (3) kings of France, (4) kings of Hungary, (5) kings of Naples, (6) Louis of Nassau. (Louis Philippe, king of the French, is dealt with separately.)

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Louis'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​l/louis.html. 1910.