Bible Encyclopedias
Kolyvanskiy Zavod

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

ZAVOD, another town of the same government, in the district of Biysk, Altai region, on the Byelaya river, 192 m.

S.E. of Barnaul; altitude, 1290 ft. It is renowned for its stonecutting factory, where marble, jasper, various porphyries and breccias are worked into vases, columns, &c. Pop., 5000. (3) Old name of Reval.

(Ger., Komorn ), the capital of the county of Komarom, Hungary, 65 m. W.N.W. of Budapest by rail. Pop. (1900), 16,816. It is situated at the eastern extremity of the island Csallokoz or Grosse Schutt, at the confluence of the Waag with the Danube. Just below Komarom the two arms into which the Danube separates below Pressburg, forming the Grosse Schutt island, unite again. Since 1896 the market-town of Uj-SzOny, which lies on the opposite bank of the Danube, has been incorporated with Komarom. The town is celebrated chiefly for its fortifications, which form the centre of the inland fortifications of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. A brisk trade in cereals, timber, wine and fish is carried on. Komarom is one of the oldest towns of Hungary, having received its charter in 1265. The fortifications were begun by Matthias Corvinus, and were enlarged and strengthened during the Turkish wars (1526-64). New forts were constructed in 1663 and were greatly enlarged between 1805 and 1809. In 1 543, 1 594, 1 59 8 and 1663 it was beleaguered by the Turks. It was raised to the dignity of a royal free town in 1751. During the revolutionary war of 1848-49 Komarom was a principal point of military operations, and was long unsuccessfully besieged by the Austrians, who on the 11th of July 1849 were defeated there by General Gorgei, and on the 3rd of August by General Klapka. On the 27th of September the fortress capitulated to the Austrians upon honourable terms, and on the 3rd and 4th of October was evacuated by the Hungarian troops. The treasure of the Austrian national bank was removed here from Vienna in 1866, when that city was threatened by the Prussians.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Kolyvanskiy Zavod'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​k/kolyvanskiy-zavod.html. 1910.