Bible Encyclopedias
Gustav Cohn

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

GUSTAV COHN (1840-), German economist, was born on the 12th of December 1840 at Marienwerder, in West Prussia. He was educated at Berlin and Jena universities. In 1869 he obtained a post at the polytechnic in Riga, and in 1875 was elected a professor at the polytechnic at Zurich. In 1873 he went to England for a period of study, and as a result published his Untersuchungen über die englische Eisenbahnpolitik (Leipzig, 1874-1875). In 1884 he was appointed professor of political science at Göttingen. Cohn's best-known works are System der Nationalökonomie (Stuttgart, 1885); Finanzwissenschaft (1889); Nationalökonomische Studien (1886), and Zur Geschichte and Politik des Verkehrswesens (1900).

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Gustav Cohn'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​g/gustav-cohn.html. 1910.