Bible Encyclopedias
Francis Paget

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

"FRANCIS PAGET (1851-1911), English divine, was born March 20 1851, the second son of the surgeon Sir James Paget ( see 20.451). His brothers, Sir John R. Paget, 2nd Bart., the lawyer (b. 1848), the Rt. Rev. Luke Paget (b. 1853), who was Bishop of Stepney, from 1909 to 1919, and was then translated to the see of Chester, and Stephen Paget, the surgeon and author (b. 18J5), all became well-known men. Francis Paget was educated at Shrewsbury and Christ Church, Oxford, where he had a distinguished career, taking first classes in classics, winning the Hertford scholarship (1871) and the chancellor's Latin verse prize (1871); he was elected senior student of Christ Church (1873) and tutor (1876), taking holy orders in 1875. In 1885 he was appointed regius professor of pastoral theology, and in 1892 dean of Christ Church. He contributed the essay on the sacraments to Lux Mundi. He became Bishop of Oxford in 1901, and was a member of the Royal Commission on Ecclesiastical Discipline 1904-6. He died in London Aug. 2 1911.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Francis Paget'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​f/francis-paget.html. 1910.