Bible Encyclopedias

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

(pronounced Fdwtcha), a town of Bosnia, situated at the confluence of the Drina and Cehotina rivers, and encircled by wooded mountains. Pop. (1895) 4217. The town is the headquarters of a thriving industry in silver filigree-work and inlaid weapons, for which it was famous. With its territories enclosed by the frontiers of Montenegro and Novi Bazar, Foca, then known as Chocha, was the scene of almost incessant border warfare during the middle ages. No monuments of this period are left except the Bogomil cemeteries, and the beautiful mosques, which are the most ancient in Bosnia. The three adjoining towns of Foca, Goraida and Ustikolina were trading-stations of the Ragusans in the 14th century, if not earlier. In the 16th century, Benedetto Ramberti, ambassador from Venice to the Porte, described the town, in his Libri Tre Belle Cose dei Turchi, as Cozza, "a large settlement, with good houses in Turkish style, and many shops and merchants. Here dwells the governor of Herzegovina, whose authority extends over the whole of Servia. Through this place all goods must pass, both going and returning, between Ragusa and Constantinople."

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Foca'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​f/foca.html. 1910.