Bible Encyclopedias
Charles Alfred Cripps Parmoor

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

"CHARLES ALFRED CRIPPS PARMOOR, 1ST Baron (1852), English lawyer, was born at West Ilsley, Berks., Oct. 3 1852, the son of Henry William Cripps, Q.C. He was educated at Winchester and New College, Oxford, where he had a distinguished career. He was called to the bar of the Middle Temple in 1877, in 1890 became a Q.C. and in 1893 a bencher. In 1895 he was appointed attorney-general to the Prince of Wales (being reappointed in 1901 and 1912). He sat as Conservative member for the Stroud division of Glos. 1895-1900, for the Stretford division of Lancs. 1901-6 and for the Wycombe division of Bucks. 1910-4. In 1908 he was made K.C.V.O. Sir Alfred Cripps was well known as a strong High-churchman. He was appointed chancellor and vicar-general to the province of York in 1900 and vicar-general to the province of Canterbury in 1902. He was chairman of the Canterbury House of Laymen and a member of its committee in 1910, and chairman of the House of Laity in the National Church Assembly of 1920. In 1914 he was appointed a member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and raised to the peerage, and in 1917 he became treasurer of the Middle Temple. He was the author of two important works, Law of Compensation (188r, 5th ed., 1905), and Law Relating to the Church (6th ed., 1886).

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Charles Alfred Cripps Parmoor'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​c/charles-alfred-cripps-parmoor.html. 1910.