Bible Encyclopedias
Bohemund V

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

V., son of Bohemund IV. by his wife Plaisance (daughter of Hugh of Gibelet), succeeded his father in 1233. He was prince of Antioch and count of Tripoli, like his father; and like him he enjoyed the alliance of the Templars and experienced the hostility of Armenia, which was not appeased till 1251, when the mediation of St Louis, and the marriage of the future Bohemund VI. to the sister of the Armenian king, finally brought peace. By his first marriage in 1225 with Alice, the widow of Hugh I. of Cyprus, Bohemund V. connected the history of Antioch for a time with that of Cyprus. He died in 1251. He had resided chiefly at Tripoli, and under him Antioch was left to be governed by its bailiff and commune.

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Bohemund V'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​b/bohemund-v.html. 1910.