Bible Encyclopedias
Bohemund III

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

III. was the son of Constance, daughter of Bohemund II., by her first husband, Raymund of Antioch. He succeeded his mother in the principality of Antioch in 1163, and first appears prominently in 1164, as regent of the kingdom of Jerusalem during the expedition of Amalric I. to Egypt. During the absence of Amalric, he was defeated and captured by Nureddin (August 1164) at Harenc, to the east of Antioch. He was at once ransomed by his brother-in-law, the emperor Manuel, and went to Constantinople, whence he returned with a Greek patriarch. In 1180 he deserted his second wife, the princess Orguilleuse, for a certain Sibylla, and he was in consequence excommunicated. By Orguilleuse he had had two sons, Raymund and Bohemund (the future Bohemund IV.), whose relations and actions determined the rest of his life. Raymund married Alice, a daughter of the Armenian prince Rhupen (Rupin), brother of Leo of Armenia, and died in 1197, leaving behind him a son, Raymund Rhupen. Bohemund, the younger brother of Raymund, had succeeded the last count of Tripoli in the possession of that county, 1187; and the problem which occupied the last years of Bohemund III. was to determine whether his grandson, Raymund Rhupen, or hi; younger son, Bohemund, should succeed him in Antioch. Leo of Armenia was naturally the champion of his great-nephew, Raymund Rhupen; indeed he had already claimed Antioch in his own right, before the marriage of his niece to Raymund, in 119 4, when he had captured Bohemund III. at Gastin, and attempted without success to force him to cede Antioch.' Bohemund the younger, however, prosecuted his claim with vigour, and even evicted his father from Antioch about I199; but he was ousted by Leo (now king of Armenia by 1 During the captivity of Bohemund III. the patriarch of Antioch helped to found a commune, which persisted, with its mayor and jurats, during the 13th century.

the grace of the emperor, Henry VI.), and Bohemund III. died in possession of his principality (1201).

Bibliography Information
Chisholm, Hugh, General Editor. Entry for 'Bohemund III'. 1911 Encyclopedia Britanica.​encyclopedias/​eng/​bri/​b/bohemund-iii.html. 1910.