Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(n.) A small convex hollow prominence on the surface of a shell or a coral.


(n.) A small, and more or less circular, elevation of the cuticle, containing a clear watery fluid.


(n.) A small cavity, nearly spherical in form, and usually of the size of a pea or smaller, such as are common in some volcanic rocks. They are produced by the liberation of watery vapor in the molten mass.


(n.) A small bladderlike body in the substance of vegetable, or upon the surface of a leaf.


(n.) A cavity or sac, especially one filled with fluid; as, the umbilical vesicle.


(n.) A bladderlike vessel; a membranous cavity; a cyst; a cell.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Vesicle'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​v/vesicle.html. 1828.