Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(a.) Apt to retain; retentive; as, a tenacious memory.


(a.) Having parts apt to adhere to each other; cohesive; tough; as, steel is a tenacious metal; tar is more tenacious than oil.


(a.) Holding fast, or inclined to hold fast; inclined to retain what is in possession; as, men tenacious of their just rights.


(a.) Apt to adhere to another substance; glutinous; viscous; sticking; adhesive.


(a.) Niggardly; closefisted; miserly.


(a.) Holding stoutly to one's opinion or purpose; obstinate; stubborn.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Tenacious'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​t/tenacious.html. 1828.