Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(v. t.) To secure; gain; win; bag.


(v. i.) To take a pot shot or shots, as at game or an enemy.


(n.) The total of the bets at stake at one time, as in racing or card playing; the pool;


(n.) A plain defensive headpiece; later, and perhaps in a jocose sense, any helmet; - called also pot helmet.


(n.) The total of the bets at one time; the pool.


(v. t.) To shoot for the pot, i.e., cooking; to secure or hit by a pot shot; to shoot when no special skill is needed.


(n.) a horse heavily backed; a favorite.


(n.) A metallic or earthen vessel, appropriated to any of a great variety of uses, as for boiling meat or vegetables, for holding liquids, for plants, etc.; as, a quart pot; a flower pot; a bean pot.


(v. t.) To place or inclose in pots


(v. i.) To tipple; to drink.


(v. t.) To pocket.


(v. t.) To drain; as, to pot sugar, by taking it from the cooler, and placing it in hogsheads, etc., having perforated heads, through which the molasses drains off.


(v. t.) To set out or cover in pots; as, potted plants or bulbs.


(v. t.) To preserve seasoned in pots.


(n.) An earthen or pewter cup for liquors; a mug.


(n.) A size of paper. See Pott.


(n.) A perforated cask for draining sugar.


(n.) A wicker vessel for catching fish, eels, etc.


(n.) A crucible; as, a graphite pot; a melting pot.


(n.) A metal or earthenware extension of a flue above the top of a chimney; a chimney pot.


(n.) The quantity contained in a pot; a potful; as, a pot of ale.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Pot'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​p/pot.html. 1828.