Bible Dictionaries

Webster's Dictionary


(n.) A quick succession of slight sounds; as, the patter of rain; the patter of little feet.


(v. i.) To mutter; as prayers.


(v. i.) To talk glibly; to chatter; to harangue.


(v. i.) To mutter; to mumble; as, to patter with the lips.


(v. i.) To strike with a quick succession of slight, sharp sounds; as, pattering rain or hail; pattering feet.


(n.) Glib and rapid speech; a voluble harangue.


(n.) The cant of a class; patois; as, thieves's patter; gypsies' patter.


(v. t.) To spatter; to sprinkle.


(n.) The language or oratory of a street peddler, conjurer, or the like, hence, glib talk; a voluble harangue; mere talk; chatter; also, specif., rapid speech, esp. as sometimes introduced in songs.

Bibliography Information
Webster, Noah. Entry for 'Patter'. Noah Webster's American Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​web/​p/patter.html. 1828.