Bible Dictionaries
René Rapin

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

French Jesuit writer. Born in 1621 in Tours, France; died in 1687 Paris, France. He joined the Society of Jesus in 1639, taught rhetoric and wrote extensively in prose and verse, both in French and Latin. His two poems, Eclogae Sacrae and Hortorum Libri IV, place him in the front rank of Latin versifiers. His best critical essays are Observations sur les Poemes de Virgile et d'Horace, and Reflexions sur la Poetique d'Aristote; but his two posthumous works, Histoire du Jansenisme, and Memoires sur l'Eglise, la Cour, la Societe, le Jansenisme, are his titles to celebrity.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'RenĂ© Rapin'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​r/renac-rapin.html. 1910.