Bible Dictionaries
Membré, Zenobius

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Martyr, Franciscan missionary, born Bapaume, France, 1645; died Fort Saint Louis, Texas, 1687. In 1675 he arrived in Canada, and in 1679 accompanied La Salle to the country of the Illinois. However, his missionary labors in that field met with little success, and he returned to Bapaume, 1681, where he was made superior of the Franciscan monastery. He returned to America again, and in 1684 followed La Salle into Texas, accompanied by two Franciscans and three Sulpicians. La Salle left them in the small garrison, Fort Saint Louis, which he erected on Espiritu Santo Bay. The Indians, however, received them with hostility, and after two years Membre was killed by the Karankawas, with Father Le Clerq and Father Chefdeville.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Membré, Zenobius'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​m/membrac-zenobius.html. 1910.