Bible Dictionaries
Karl Müller

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Karl Müller Religious painter, born Darmstadt, Germany, 1818; died Neuenahr, 1893. After four years of study in Rome he became one of the noteworthy artists of the Dusseldorf school, combining the spirituality of the early masters with much sweetness and grace. His principal painting was "The Birth of Mary," in the Church of Saint Apollinaris, at Remagen. Part of the cartoon for a projected "Coronation of Mary" is in the Berlin National Gallery. In the church of Saint Remigius at Bonn is his altar-painting, "Christ with the Disciples at Fimmaus."

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Karl Müller'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​k/karl-ma14ller.html. 1910.