Bible Dictionaries
Jetté, Louis Amable

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Lawyer and statesman, born l'Assomption,Quebec, Canada, 1836; died Quebec, 1920. Called to the bar in 1857, he was at the same time editor of "L'Ordre." In 1872,1874 he represented East Montreal in the Dominion Parliament; in 1878 was appointed professor of civillaw in Laval University and puisne judge for Quebec; he was lieutenant-governor of the province, 1898-1908. He was made commander of the Legion d,'honneur in 1898, a member of the Alaskan Boundary Commission in 1903, and chief justice of the province of Quebec, 1909-1911.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Jetté, Louis Amable'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​j/jettac-louis-amable.html. 1910.