Bible Dictionaries
Cochlæus, Johann

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

(properly Dobeneck) (1479-1552) Humanist and Catholic controversialist, born Wendelstein, Germany; died Breslau. After acting as rector of the Latin school at Nuremberg, he graduated in law at Bologna, and theology at Rome where he was ordained. He then returned to Frankfort to combat Lutheranism. The Peasants' War drove him, in 1525, to Cologne where he attacked the rebellion and Luther, its instigator. He subsequently became secretary to George of Saxony, and composed his philippics against Melanchthon. After George's death the progress of the Reformers in Saxony forced him to leave. He continued assiduously his anti-Reformation polemics, written in bad temper and without theological thoroughness. His greatest work against the heresiarch is his historical "Commentary of the Acts and Writings of Martin Luther," a permanent armory for Catholic polemicists.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Cochlæus, Johann'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​c/cochlaus-johann.html. 1910.