Bible Dictionaries
Clement IV, Pope

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Pope from February 5, 1265 to November 29, 1268. Born in Saint Gilles, France as Guido Le Gros; died in Viterbo, Italy. He was Bishop of Puy, Archbishop of Narbonne, and Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina. As pope he was noted for his asceticism and his hatred of nepotism. He helped establish the Angevin dynasty in Naples by aiding Charles of Anjou against Manfred. Owing to Ghibelline antagonism Clement never reached Rome, but died at Viterbo, where he had been crowned.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Clement IV, Pope'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​c/clement-iv-pope.html. 1910.