Bible Dictionaries
Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas

1910 New Catholic Dictionary

Satirist and critic, born Paris, France, 1636; died there, 1711. After studying law and theology, Boileau devoted himself to poetry and wrote satires, attacking the mediocre poets and pedantic authors of his day. Louis XIV forced his election to the French Academy, 1684, in spite of bitter opposition due to the fact that many of the Academicians were among the victims of Boileau's satirical humor. His principal works are: Satires and Epitres, treating chiefly moral and literary sqbjects; "Art Poétique, a literary code in which he sets forth his poetical theories; and Le Lutrin, a mock-heroic poem. He was called the Lawgiver of Parnassus, and greatly contributed to the formation of the French classic ideals in literature.

Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​b/boileau-despracaux-nicolas.html. 1910.