Bible Dictionaries

King James Dictionary

DISTANT, a. L., standing apart.

1. Separate having an intervening space of any indefinite extent. One point may be less than a line or a hairs breadth distant from another. Saturn is supposed to be nearly nine hundred million miles distant from the sun.
2. Remote in place as, a distant object appears under a small angle.
3. Remote in time, past or future as a distant age or period of the world.
4. Remote in the line of succession or descent, indefinitely as a distant descendant a distant ancestor distant posterity.
5. Remote in natural connection or consanguinity as a distant relation distant kindred a distant collateral line.
6. Remote in nature not allied not agreeing with or in conformity to as practice very distant from principles or profession.
7. Remote in view slight faint not very likely to be realized as, we have a distant hope or prospect of seeing better times.
8. Remote in connection slight faint indirect not easily seen or understood as a distant hint or allusion to a person or subject. So also we say, a distant idea a distant thought a distant resemblance.
9. Reserved shy implying haughtiness, coldness of affection, indifference, or disrespect as, the manners of a person are distant.
Bibliography Information
Entry for 'Distant'. King James Dictionary.​dictionaries/​eng/​kjd/​d/distant.html.