Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Thesupermat

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Comments: Mature walnut tree (Juglans regia).


Credit: George Chernilevsky

License: Public Domain

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Comments: The Common walnut, Persian walnut, or English walnut (Juglans regia). Unripe nuts. July. Ukraine.


Credit: Böhringer Friedrich

License: CC BY-SA 2.5

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Comments: Juglans regia (the Common walnut or Persian walnut), is the original walnut tree of the Old World.


Credit: Ivar Leidus

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Comments: Walnuts – whole and open with halved kernel


Walnut. Juglans regia. אגוז’ĕḡōz - Strongs: H93.

From ISBE: Nuts - nuts:

(1) ('eghoz; karua; Arabic jauz, "the walnut" (Song of Solomon 6:11)): This is certainly the walnut tree, Juglans regia, a native of Persia and the Himalayas which flourishes under favorable conditions in all parts of Palestine; particularly in the mountains. In such situations it attains the height of from 60 to 90 ft. A grove of such trees affords the most delightful shade.

(2) ...

E. W. G. Masterman


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​w/walnut.html. 2024.