Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Deror_avi

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Comments: Twelve Stones Site - 12 stones placed by Jashua and the Twelve Tribes of Israel upon reaching Canaan, Mount Gerizim


Credit: Tmaurizia

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Comments: Coloured stones - Porto beach - Corse (France)


Credit: Nemo

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Comments: Jerusalem, Small wall


Credit: שלומית מסיקה Shlomit Messica; Heritage conservation picture Project - Safed Pikiwiki Israel

License: CC BY 2.5

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Comments: Decorated stone lintel, Old Safed


From Easton: Stones were commonly used for buildings, also as memorials of important events (Genesis 28:18; Joshua 24:26, Joshua 24:27; 1 Samuel 7:12, etc.). They were gathered out of cultivated fields (Isaiah 5:2; comp. 2 Kings 3:19). This word is also used figuratively of believers (1 Peter 2:4, 1 Peter 2:5), and of the Messiah (Psalms 118:22; Isaiah 28:16; Matthew 21:42; Acts 4:11, etc.). In Daniel 2:45 it refers also to the Messiah. He is there described as "cut out of the mountain." (See ROCK)

A "heart of stone" denotes great insensibility (1 Samuel 25:37).

Stones were set up to commemorate remarkable events, as by Jacob at Bethel (Genesis 28:18), at Padan-aram (35:4), and on the occasion of parting with Laban (31:45-47); by Joshua at the place on the banks of the Jordan where the people first "lodged" after crossing the river (Joshua 6:8), and also in "the midst of Jordan," where he erected another set of twelve stones (4:1-9); and by Samuel at "Ebenezer" (1 Samuel 7:12).


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​s/stone.html. 2024.