Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Rogers Fund, 1912. Metropolitan Museum of Art

License: CC0 1.0

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Comments: Throw Stick. Egypt circa 1981 –1802 B.C. Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12.


Credit: Purchase, Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1926. Metropolitan Museum of Art

License: CC0 1.0

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Comments: Kohl stick, ivory. Egypt circa 1783 –1640 B.C. Middle Kingdom–Second Intermediate Period, Dynasty 13–17.


Credit: Rogers Fund, 1927. Metropolitan Museum of Art

License: CC0 1.0

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Comments: Walking stick. Egypt circa 2124 –1504 B.C. Middle Kingdom–Early New Kingdom, Dynasty 11–18.


From Webster: STICK, n. [G. This word is connected with the verb to stick, with stock, stack, and other words having the like elements. The primary sense of the root is to thrust, to shoot, and to set.]

1. The small shoot or branch of a tree or shrub, cut off; a rod; also, a staff; as, to strike one with a stick.

2. Any stem of a tree, of any size, cut for fuel or timber. It is applied in America to any long and slender piece of timber, round or square, from the smallest size to the largest, used in the frames of buildings; as a stick of timber for a post, a beam or a rafter.

3. Many instruments, long and slender, are called sticks; as the composing stick of printers.

4. A thrust with a pointed instrument that penetrates a body; a stab.

Stick of eels, the number of twenty five eels. A bind contains ten sticks.


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​s/stick.html. 2024.