Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Phokion

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Comments: Hoplite recreation by Christian Cameron


Credit: Los Angeles County Museum of Art

License: Public Domain

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Comments: Cast bronze spearhead. Northern Iran, circa 1350-1000 B.C.


From Smith: Arms, Armor

2. Next we have the SPEAR; and of this weapon we meet with at least three distinct kinds. A. The Chanith, a "spear," and that of the largest kind. It was the weapon of Goliath, (1 Samuel 17:7; 1 Samuel 17:45; 2 Samuel 21:19; 1 Chronicles 20:5) and also of other giants, (2 Samuel 23:21; 1 Chronicles 11:23) and mighty warriors. (2 Samuel 2:23; 2 Samuel 23:18; 1 Chronicles 11:11; 1 Chronicles 11:20) b. Apparently lighter than the preceding was the Cidon or "javelin." When not in action the Cidon was carried on the back of the warrior, (1 Samuel 17:6) Authorized Version "target." c. Another kind of spear was the Romach . In the historical books it occurs in (Numbers 25:7) and 1 Kings 18:28 And frequently in the later books, as in (1 Chronicles 12:8) ("buckler"); (2 Chronicles 11:12) (It varied much in length, weight and size.) d. The Shelach was probably a lighter missile or "dart." see (2 Chronicles 23:10; 2 Chronicles 32:5) ("darts"); (Nehemiah 4:17; Nehemiah 4:23) (see margin); (Job 33:18; Job 36:12; Joel 2:8) e. Shebet, a rod or staff, is used once only to denote a weapon. (2 Samuel 18:14)


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​s/spear.html. 2024.