Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Pkspks

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Comments: Corvus corax laurencei (subcorax), the Punjab Raven from Desert National Park, India


Credit: Pkspks

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Comments: Northern Raven pair at North Pullu, Khardung la, India


Credit: Zeynel Cebeci

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Comments: Northern Raven (Corvus corax) in flight in Göksu Delta, Silifke - Mersin, Turkey.


Raven — The Bible includes under this generic name a certain number of birds having more or less resemblance with the raven, such as the magpie, the jay, the jackdaw, the starling, etc. The raven, eight species of which are found in Israel, is by far the most common of all the birds of that country, where it is with buzzards, vultures, dogs, jackals, and hyenas, an active scavenger. Its plumage is glossy black, and its habits are frequently alluded to in Bible, for instance feeding on carcasses, wandering for its precarious meals, picking out the eyes of the newly dropped or weakly animals, resorting to desolate places, etc. The raven, when no other food is nigh, not infrequently picks out grains freshly sown; hence its surname of seed-picker, spermologos, which, later on became a synonym for ragamuffin. This name, applied to St. Paul by his sceptical listeners of Athens, has become, through a mistranslation, "word-sower" in our Bibles (Acts 17:18).


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​r/raven.html. 2024.