Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

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A poplar at the Banias site

From the Northern Landscapes series by Uzi Pazzapza. Populus is one of two types of plants in the Arabite family. There are about forty poplar species that are common mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. Poplar was mentioned once in the book of Ezekiel in the parable of the vine as a tree that has an affinity for water. There is no clear tradition in the ancient translations to identify the poplar, but according to the Hazquotl tradition, as also accepted by the commentators and most researchers, it is one of the willow species Salix or Populus.

Credit: Liné1

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Comments: Leaves of Populus lasiocarpa


Poplar species. Populus spp.. לבנהliḇneh - Strongs: H3839.

From Easton: Poplar - Heb. libneh, "white", (Genesis 30:37; Hosea 4:13), in all probability the storax tree (Styrax officinalis) or white poplar, distinguished by its white blossoms and pale leaves. It is common in the Anti-Libanus. Other species of the poplar are found in Palestine, such as the white poplar (P. alba) of our own country, the black poplar (P. nigra), and the aspen (P. tremula). (See WILLOW)


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​p/poplar.html. 2024.