Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Rogers Fund, 1915. Metropolitan Museum of Art

License: CC0 1.0

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Comments: Egyptian Net fragment. ca. 1295–1070 B.C. New Kingdom, Ramesside. Dynasty 19–20.


Credit: Rogers Fund, 1925. Metropolitan Museum of Art

License: CC0 1.0

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Comments: Fish Net. A.D. 1st century ? Period: Roman Period


Credit: W.carter

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Comments: Old fishing net on a cottage wall in Gnisvärd, Gotland, Sweden.


Credit: Gary Todd from Xinzheng, China

License: CC0 1.0

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Comments: Ancient Troy Net Weights. Schliemann's Troy Gallery, Neues Museum, Berlin, Germany. Complete indexed photo collection at


From Easton: Nail - in use among the Hebrews for fishing, hunting, and fowling. The fishing-net was probably constructed after the form of that used by the Egyptians (Isaiah 19:8). There were three kinds of nets. (1.) The drag-net or hauling-net (Gr. sagene), of great size, and requiring many men to work it. It was usually let down from the fishing-boat, and then drawn to the shore or into the boat, as circumstances might require (Matthew 13:47, Matthew 13:48). (2.) The hand-net or casting-net (Gr. amphiblestron), which was thrown from a rock or a boat at any fish that might be See n (Matthew 4:18; Mark 1:16). It was called by the Latins funda. It was of circular form, "like the top of a tent." (3.) The bag-net (Gr. diktyon), used for enclosing fish in deep water (Luke 5:4-9).

The fowling-nets were (1) the trap, consisting of a net spread over a frame, and supported by a stick in such a way that it fell with the slightest touch (Amos 3:5, "gin;" Psalms 69:22; Job 18:9; Ecclesiastes 9:12). (2) The snare, consisting of a cord to catch birds by the leg (Job 18:10; Psalms 18:5; Psalms 116:3; Psalms 140:5). (3.) The decoy, a cage filled with birds as decoys (Jeremiah 5:26, Jeremiah 5:27). Hunting-nets were much in use among the Hebrews.


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​n/net.html. 2024.