Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Chenspec

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English: The cold store was used by the farmers of the village to store the potatoes they grew. The capacity was: 80 tons. Later, the cold house was rented for the use of the neighborhood kibbutzim for a fee. During the War of Liberation, the place was used to store weapons. The cooling house is supposed to go through a conservation process and contain the settlement's archive.

עברית: בית הקירור שימש את איכרי הכפר לאיחסון תפוחי אדמה שגידלו. הקיבולת היתה: 80 טון. בהמשך הושכר בית הקירור לשימושם של קיבוצי הסביבה תמורת תשלום. בימי מלחמת השחרור שימוש המקום לאיחסון נשק. בית הקירור אמור לעבור תהליך שימור ולהכיל בתוכו את ארכיון הישוב.

Credit: Bering Land Bridge National Preserve

License: CC BY 2.0

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Comments: Golden Eagle Nest. Many migratory birds stop in and around the Preserve in the early summer. Here, golden eagles have built a nest in a rocky outcrop.


Credit: Captain Budd Christman, NOAA Corps

License: Public Domain

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Comments: Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus.


Credit: מינוזיג - MinoZig

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Comments: Lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) nest, Israel.


From ISBE: (qen; neossia, nossia; in the New Testament kataskenosis; Latin nidus): A receptacle prepared by a bird for receiving its eggs and young. Nests differ with species. Eagles use a large heap of coarse sticks and twigs on the cleft of a mountain (Job 39:27-Amos :; (Jeremiah 49:16; (Obadiah 1:4); hawks prefer trees; vultures, hollow trees or the earth; ravens, big trees; doves and pigeons, trees or rocky crevices (Jeremiah 48:28); hoopoes, hollow trees; swallows, mud nests under a roof, on cliffs or deserted temples; owls, hollow trees, dark places in ruins or sand burrows (on the qippoz of Isaiah 34:15 see OWL); cranes, storks and herons, either trees (Psalms 104:17) or rushes beside water (storks often choose housetops, as well).


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​n/nest.html. 2024.