Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Umberto Ferrando

License: CC BY 2.0

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Comments: Location: Arrestra river valley (Municipality of Varazze, SV, LIG, IT). Elevation: 120 m (395 ft). Date: June 23, 2018. Status: native. Chorotype: Steno-Mediterranean.


Credit: Forest & Kim Starr

License: CC BY 3.0

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Comments: Myrtus communis (flowers with Puccinia psidii). Location: Maui, Lower Kimo Rd Kula


Credit: Javier martin

License: Public Domain

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Comments: Myrtus communis berries close up Dehesa Boyal de Puertollano, Spain


Myrtle. Myrtus communis. הדסhăḏas - Strongs: H1918.

From Easton: Myrtle - (Isaiah 41:19; Nehemiah 8:15; Zechariah 1:8), Hebrew hadas, known in the East by the name _as_, the Myrtus communis of the botanist. "Although no myrtles are now found on the mount (of Olives), excepting in the gardens, yet they still exist in many of the glens about Jerusalem, where we have often seen its dark shining leaves and white flowers. There are many near Bethlehem and about Hebron, especially near Dewir Dan, the ancient Debir. It also sheds its fragrance on the sides of Carmel and of Tabor, and fringes the clefts of the Leontes in its course through Galilee. We meet with it all through Central Palestine" (Tristram).


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​m/myrtle.html. 2024.