Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Greg Hume

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Comments: Rufous morph of the Eastern Screech Owl.


Credit: Charles J. Sharp

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Comments: Tropical screech owl (Megascops choliba luctisomus), Anton Valley, Panama


Lamia (Isaiah 34:14) — Is a translation of Hebrew, lîlîth - Strongs: H3917; according to the old popular legends, the lamia was a feminine bloodthirsty monster, devouring men and children. In the above cited place, some kind of owl, either the screech or the hooting owl, is very probably meant.


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​l/lamia.html. 2024.