Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Purchase, Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1926. Metropolitan Museum of Art

License: CC0 1.0

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Comments: Ribbed Penannular Earring. circa 1550 –1425 B.C. New Kingdom, Dynasty 18. Reign of Ahmose–Thutmose III


Credit: Engraved stoneThe Cesnola Collection, Purchased by subscription, 1874–76. Metropolitan Museum of Art

License: CC0 1.0

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Comments: Gold and carnelian boat-shaped earring. Greek, 5th–4th century B.C.


From Easton: Earrings - rings properly for the ear (Genesis 35:4; Numbers 31:50; Ezekiel 16:12). In Genesis 24:47 the word means a nose-jewel, and is so rendered in the Revised Version. In Isaiah 3:20 the Authorized Version has "ear-rings," and the Revised Version "amulets," which more correctly represents the original word (lehashim), which means incantations; charms, thus remedies against enchantment, worn either suspended from the neck or in the ears of females. Ear-rings were ornaments used by both sexes (Exodus 32:2).


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​e/earring.html. 2024.