Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Wolfgang Sauber

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Comments: Diadem. Gold. Greek, probably made in Alexandria, Egypt, 220 - 100 B.C. The piece probably belonged to a noble woman of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt. The clasp is shaped as a protective Herakles knot


Credit: Acquired by Henry Walters, 1905. Walters Art Museum

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Comments: The centerpiece of this Hellenistic diadem is a Herakles knot, known for its apotropaic powers and its status as a symbol of fertility. Walters Art Museum, c. 3rd – 2nd century BC.


From Easton: the tiara of a king (Ezekiel 21:26; Isaiah 28:5; Isaiah 62:3); the turban (Job 29:14). In the New Testament a careful distinction is drawn between the diadem as a badge of royalty (Revelation 12:3; Revelation 13:1; Revelation 19:12) and the crown as a mark of distinction in private life. It is not known what the ancient Jewish "diadem" was. It was the mark of Oriental sovereigns. (See CROWN)


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​d/diadem.html. 2024.