Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Dawn Huczek

License: CC BY 2.0

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Comments: Double Trouble. Sandhill cranes
(Antigone canadensis)


Credit: Richard Crossley>

License: CC BY-SA 3.0

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Comments: Common Crane from the Crossley ID Guide Britain and Ireland


Crane (Grus grus) — The word does not occur in D.V., but seems the best translation of Hebrew עָגוּר, ‘āḡūr - Strongs: H5693, read in two passages: Is. 38:14, and Jer. 8:7, where its loud voice and migratory instincts are alluded to. There is little doubt that the two above indicated places of D.V., where we read "swallow", should be corrected.


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​c/crane.html. 2024.