Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Gideon Pisanty (Gidip) גדעון פיזנטי

License: CC BY 3.0

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Comments: Megachile lagopoda (Linnaeus, 1761), female foraging on Dittrichia viscosa, Mount Carmel, Israel, October 22, 2009, 16:13. Det. Christophe Praz 2011.


Credit: Matt

License: CC BY-SA 2.0

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Comments: July Honey Bee


Credit: Sy

License: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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Comments: The big bee in the centre is a drone, a male bee with no sting. Come winter the males all get kicked out of the hive to die as they contribute nothing to the hive's functioning


Bee (דְּבוֹרָה dəḇōrāh - Strongs: H1682) — Israel, according to Scripture, is a land flowing with honey (Exodus 3:8). Its dry climate, its rich abundance, and variety of aromatic flowers, and its limestone rocks render it particularly adapted for bees. No wonder then that honey bees, both wild and hived, abound there. All the different species known by the names of Bombus, Nomia, Andrena, Osmia, Megachile, Anthophora, are widely spread throughout the country. The hived honey bee of Israel, Apis fasciata, belongs to a variety slightly different from ours, characterized by yellow stripes on the abdomen. Wild bees are said to live not only in rocks [Ps. 81:16], but in hollow trees (1 Samuel 14:25), even in dried carcasses Judges 14:8). Syrian and Egyptian hives are made of a mash of clay and straw for coolness. In Old Testament times, honey was an article of export (Genesis 43:11; Ezekiel 27:17). Bees are spoken of in Bible as a term of comparison for a numerous army relentlessly harassing their enemies. Debôrah, the Hebrew name for bee, was a favourite name for women.


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​b/bee.html. 2024.