Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: Gary Todd from Xinzheng, China

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Comments: Ancient Egypt Gallery, Louvre Museum, Paris, France. Complete indexed photo collection at


Credit: Wolfgang Sauber

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Comments: Aalen (Baden-Württemberg). Museum of Ancient Roman Limes: Wicker basket from a well at the eastern castle in Welzheim.


From Easton: There are five different Hebrew words so rendered in the Authorized Version: (1.) A basket (Heb. sal, a twig or osier) for holding bread (Genesis 40:16; Exodus 29:3, Exodus 29:23; Leviticus 8:2, Leviticus 8:26, Leviticus 8:31; Numbers 6:15, Numbers 6:17, Numbers 6:19). Sometimes baskets were made of twigs peeled; their manufacture was a recognized trade among the Hebrews.

(2.) That used (Heb. salsilloth') in gathering grapes (Jeremiah 6:9).

(3.) That in which the first fruits of the harvest were presented, Heb. tene, (Deuteronomy 26:2, Deuteronomy 26:4). It was also used for household purposes. In form it tapered downwards like that called _corbis_ by the Romans.

(4.) A basket (Heb. kelub) having a lid, resembling a bird-cage. It was made of leaves or rushes. The name is also applied to fruit-baskets (Amos 8:1, Amos 8:2).

(5.) A basket (Heb. dud) for carrying figs (Jeremiah 24:2), also clay to the brick-yard (R.V., Psalms 81:6), and bulky articles (2 Kings 10:7). This word is also rendered in the Authorized Version "kettle" (1 Samuel 2:14), "caldron" (2 Chronicles 35:13), "See thing-pot" (Job 41:20).

In the New Testament mention is made of the basket (Gr. kophinos, small "wicker-basket") for the "fragments" in the miracle recorded Mark 6:43, and in that recorded Matthew 15:37 (Gr. spuris, large "rope-basket"); also of the basket in which Paul escaped (Acts 9:25, Gr. spuris; 2 Corinthians 11:33, Gr. sargane, "basket of plaited cords").


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​b/basket.html. 2024.