Bible Dictionaries

Bible Dictionary of Animals, Plants and other Objects

Credit: James St. John

License: CC BY 2.0

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Comments: Agate ("Lake Superior Agate") (public display, Minnesota Discovery Center, Chisholm, Minnesota, USA)


Credit: Purchase, Mr. and Mrs. Sid R. Bass Gift, in honor of Annette de la Renta, and Rogers Fund, 2001. Metropolitan Museum of Art

License: CC0 1.0

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Comments: Banded agate amphoriskos (perfume bottle). Late 1st century B.C.–early 1st century A.D.


From Easton: Agate, (Heb. shebo), a precious stone in the breast-plate of the high priest (Exodus 28:19; Exodus 39:12), the second in the third row. This may be the agate properly so called, a semi-transparent crystallized quartz, probably brought from Sheba, whence its name. In Isaiah 54:12 and Ezekiel 27:16, this word is the rendering of the Hebrew cadcod, which means "ruddy," and denotes a variety of minutely crystalline silica more or less in bands of different tints.

This word is from the Greek name of a stone found in the river Achates in Sicily.


Bibliography Information
Bible Diciontary of Animals, Plants, and other Objects.​dictionaries/​eng/​apo/​a/agate.html. 2024.