Daily Devotionals
Voice of the Lord
Devotional: 15th of Teves

Sarah lived to be 127 years old; these were the years of Sarah's life (Genesis 23:1).

The Torah tells in great detail the story of Abraham commissioning his chief steward to find a suitable wife for his son Isaac. The emphasis of the Genesis account switches from father to son after Isaac brought Rebekah "into his mother Sarah's tent ...and she became his wife" (Genesis 24:67). Indeed, although Abraham lived for another 35 years, it's no coincidence that his presence in Scripture is clearly diminished after the death of Sarah.

We are given more detail about the patriarchs than their wives; yet, without their godly wives, these men would not have been able to fulfill their callings (which was more than just having children!) Although ninety-nine percent of the recorded covenant promises were between God and Abraham, Sarah was always there, persevering alongside her husband. She walked in the kind of faith of which Yeshua spoke: "How blessed are those who do not see, but trust anyway!" (John 20:29)

Husbands and wives may have different gifts, but they are united in their calling. We who are married servants of the Lord, can therefore attain only that which God has called us to through being in love and harmony with our spouses, recognizing that our differences are complimentary rather than contradictory.

...give thanks with greater appreciation for the spouse the Lord has given me, and will endeavor to see the health of that relationship as central to the success of our service to God.