Daily Devotionals
Voice of the Lord
Devotional: 25th of Elul

The fame of your majesty spreads even above the heavens! (Psalms 8:2)

Look up in the sky. The heavens do indeed declare God's glory. We are an infinitesimal part of the universe. We live in a solar system comprised of one star—known to us as the sun. This solar system is in the galaxy called the Milky Way. The Milky Way contains 300 billion stars. There are at least 200 billion galaxies, all of which contain at least 100 billion stars. That is what we know. There is much more we do not know. The vastness of the universe is awesome.

Some believe there is no end to the universe. That seems impossible. Others believe there is an end. Then what lies beyond? These are questions to which we may never know the answer.

The distances across the galaxies are immense. The Hubble Telescope is purportedly looking at stars that approach 15 billion light years away. We look up in the sky knowing that we will never get to those far-off bodies.

The heavens are a testimony of the great artist who painted them and the physical principles that keep them intact. From the smallest grain of sand to the great expanse above, from the single-celled animal to the intricacy of the human brain, there is a similarity in the stroke of the brush of our Creator.

...praise God for that which he has created.