Daily Devotionals
Voice of the Lord
Devotional: 20th of Tishrei

The crowds ahead of him and behind shouted "Blessed is he who comes in the name of Adonai!" (Matthew 21:9)

One of the beautiful symbols reminding us of the lesson of Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) is the lulav (palm branch). Part of our tradition is to march in processionals in the synagogue, waving the lulav in every direction while we chant from the Hallel (Psalms 113-118). By doing so, we acknowledge that God dwells among us. We therefore understand why the Feast of Tabernacles is considered a messianic holiday. It perfectly foreshadows the time when the Mashiach (Messiah) will come and dwell in the midst of Israel.

In light of these traditions, a rather astounding thing happened one year in Jerusalem. As Yeshua entered the holy city just prior to Passover, multitudes of our people welcomed him in a peculiar way. "Crowds of people carpeted the road with their clothing, while others cut branches from trees.... " (Matthew 21:8) We might think this is a strange way to celebrate Passover. But since the crowds believed Yeshua was the Messiah, it was a perfectly appropriate way to welcome him into their midst! With the chanting of the Hallel, they embraced Yeshua, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of Adonai [the Lord]!"

The full meaning of the lulav is seen as we welcome King Messiah to dwell in our midst, as many did in his own day. There is a growing number of people embracing Yeshua in our own generation as well. Hoshi'ana! (Lord, save us!)

...welcome Yeshua to dwell as King Messiah of my life.