Don't owe anyone anythingexcept to love one another (Romans 13:8).
God laid within the foundation of his Torah the principle of respect for others' property. The eighth commandment declares simply, "Do not steal" (Exodus 20:15 [13]). Yet how many of us today violate this commandment when we fail to return what was borrowed, whether property (even something as small as a book) or money? Elisha's disciple understood the seriousness of this when he cried out, upon losing an axe head in the water, "Oh, no! was a borrowed one!" (2 Kings 6:5)
A story is told about a respected teacher of Torah who lived in Eastern Europe before the Second World War. For a certain time he owned a fish shop where he served mostly Gentiles. One day a man came in and bought some fish, but then became preoccupied and forgot to take his fish with him when he left the store. Noticing the fish on the counter, the teacher ran after the man, but it was too late. He tried to remember what the man looked like, but to no avail. The next day, the teacher gave away free fish to everyone who entered the store. Perhaps, he thought, the man who had left without his purchase would also enter and therefore receive the fish he had paid for.
Some might say the teacher went too far. But do we go far enough? Let those of us who have the Torah written on our hearts be examples of honesty and generosity.
...prayerfully begin paying all I owe to those I have borrowed from until I owe no man anything but love.