Daily Devotionals
Voice of the Lord
Devotional: 17th of Elul

My servant Kalev [Caleb], because he had a different Spirit with him and has fully followed me (Numbers 14:24).

In Numbers 13:4-16, God lists the twelve tribal leaders who were sent out to spy on the Land. It is just a list of names. Other than Yehoshu'a (Joshua), they are all unknown. We are told their tribes and the names of their fathers, but nothing is given that distinguishes one from another.

Yet forty days later, there are two names that stand out from the rest. Two are honored while ten go down in infamy as the wicked congregation that turned the hearts of Israel away from God. What's the difference? They all had the same opportunity, they all saw the same things, they all had heard the same promises. Kalev and Yehoshu'a were motivated and animated by a different spirit.

Our names are on the list of all humanity. When the list is read at the end of days, what will be known about each of us? We can choose which spirit we will follow.

...sow to the Ruach (Spirit), so that I might reap abundant life in Yeshua.