Daily Devotionals
The Believer's Daily Remembrancer
Devotional: June 16th

"I go to prepare place for you." John 14:2

SEE, beloved, what Jesus is doing. He is engaged for us; He did all He could for us on earth, and then ascended to heaven to carry on His work. The place He prepares will be worthy of Himself; "His rest will be glorious." It will just suit us; there the wicked cease from troubling, sin shall no more annoy, troubles shall no more beset, but the weary shall be at rest. He is preparing us for it, as well as it for us; therefore we are so tried and afflicted. Our light afflictions which are but for a moment, are working out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Let us daily think of Jesus as employed for us; let us consider death as going to take possession of the place He has prepared for us; and under all that tries us or casts us down, let us remember, Jesus will come again and received us unto Himself; that where He is, we may be also. Our present cottage may be incommodious and uncomfortable; but our mansion will be spacious, magnificent, and worthy of a God. He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and Jehovah will be his God. Glorious privilege! Unspeakable blessing! Sweet prospect!

And art Thou, gracious Saviour, gone,

A mansion to prepare for me?

Shall I behold Thee on Thy throne,

And there for ever sit with Thee?

Then let the world approve or blame.

I’ll triumph in Thy gracious name.